universal schedules
What a weird day. I had a few little meetings and got some stuff done, despite of feeling lousy. My body hurts; I need a massage badly. All these toxins are poisoning me. I'm very sleepy and am enjoying my evening watching bad tv and Cucalorus movies. You know what amazes me? There are so many projects that get funded that contribute absolutely nothing to society. I watch some of these things and question how they got funding, let alone why they even felt the need for something so pointless to be made. One film I watched was a Sundance pick and although I liked it, I didn't feel that it was interesting enough to get into a festival of that stature. It's 11:11!
I started regretting not submitting 11:11 into the works in progress program. I thought about it a million times, but decided I didn't want to reveal too much about the story to the public. Although today I had this really cool idea that we could dress the theatre like Andy and Adrienne's bedroom and act out those scenes. I could focus a lot on production design, cinematography and locations. I just feel weird doing a works in progress without a single frame shot. I want to at least have the money to make 11:11 before I blab to the world half of my ideas and someone snags them. But the idea is that I want the public, especially industry people to know that I'm ready to get this thing rolling!
My ultimate schedule would be to start pre-production in December when things are typically slow on the film front. Begin shooting 11:11 on January 11, 2010 for 4 weeks. That would give us seven months to edit and submit to Sundance in September. If I want to do the big Sundance route, I must premiere there and cannot show at Cucalorus before that. Meaning I could do works in progress Cucalorus 16 and screen the following year on 11/11/11. That's my ultimate goal, but it ain't going to happen. There is far too much to do and no money to make it happen. All I ask if it doesn't is to shoot during the winter or fall months and have something to show by 11/11/11.
I had a great idea from a fellow Virgo yesterday. She encouraged me to seek out investors who are already followers of the 11:11. Those are my audience and people who will understand my intention with all of this. Apparently today all the planets are aligned in such a way that big things were to happen in my universe. I can't say my day was too eventful, but I did watch my first film again and realized how far I'm come. My mistakes were so obvious then! I also realized how many of the folks in that film continue to contribute to my storytelling time and again. Kenneth Price, you are my hero. Matt Malloy, thank you for being you.
I started regretting not submitting 11:11 into the works in progress program. I thought about it a million times, but decided I didn't want to reveal too much about the story to the public. Although today I had this really cool idea that we could dress the theatre like Andy and Adrienne's bedroom and act out those scenes. I could focus a lot on production design, cinematography and locations. I just feel weird doing a works in progress without a single frame shot. I want to at least have the money to make 11:11 before I blab to the world half of my ideas and someone snags them. But the idea is that I want the public, especially industry people to know that I'm ready to get this thing rolling!
My ultimate schedule would be to start pre-production in December when things are typically slow on the film front. Begin shooting 11:11 on January 11, 2010 for 4 weeks. That would give us seven months to edit and submit to Sundance in September. If I want to do the big Sundance route, I must premiere there and cannot show at Cucalorus before that. Meaning I could do works in progress Cucalorus 16 and screen the following year on 11/11/11. That's my ultimate goal, but it ain't going to happen. There is far too much to do and no money to make it happen. All I ask if it doesn't is to shoot during the winter or fall months and have something to show by 11/11/11.
I had a great idea from a fellow Virgo yesterday. She encouraged me to seek out investors who are already followers of the 11:11. Those are my audience and people who will understand my intention with all of this. Apparently today all the planets are aligned in such a way that big things were to happen in my universe. I can't say my day was too eventful, but I did watch my first film again and realized how far I'm come. My mistakes were so obvious then! I also realized how many of the folks in that film continue to contribute to my storytelling time and again. Kenneth Price, you are my hero. Matt Malloy, thank you for being you.