
Ok. I'm officially a dingbat! German is such a difficult language. The words are so long! I mistakenly wrote the wrong word for time change and put the German word for bachelor:) the correct word for time change is zeitumstellung. Again another double ll. Both words have double ll! 11:11!!!

My friend whose birthday is on 11/11 sent me a text regarding her bday plans at 11:11pm. She didn't even realize it which is such an eleven eleven thing to happen! I'm still kicking myself for not pulling together anything for cucalorus works in progress for my film. It would have been a great venue to seek investors! Although if I piled one more item on my overfilled plate I might explode!

New years resolution is to just say no! I've been investing countless hours on free stuff and haven't had a stitch of time to work on my own stuff. Its making me grumpy at this point so I must change my ways and not spread myself thin. This year I will focus on me!

We are shooting at a funeral home right now. At first I thought it was the one jon shaw's funeral was held in but ends up its a different one. That would have been strange considering we are filming on my old street later today. The street where my sister and I were attacked exactly a year after jon's passing. Mixed emotions today and happy to be in the land of the living!

Did I tell you the weirdest of the weird? There is a funeral home a block from. My nc house that is called John Shaw's funeral home. If that's not the weirdest coincidence of all I don't know what is!!!


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