chasing the clock

It's been forever since I've blogged on this page. I can't believe I broke my promise before, but I've been busy redrafting my feature 11:11. Slowly but surely, it's coming along. It's difficult to make changes when something has been the same for so long. But after thinking about these characters for so many years, I have created a lot more depth in them. Sometimes I wish I had written a novel! That way I can say everything I want to about these people. it's strange how you can grow so attached to fictitious characters. I know so much about their lives and their history. We are the products of what we've experienced in the past, so I've developed a history for all of them. It's liberating to have that control, but am not sure I would want any of their lives:)

I kind of panicked on my birthday this year. 34. Scary how fast 33 raced by. No more talking about it. This is THE year 11:11 has to be made. I don't have a choice but to move forward. I've waited for too long and the clock keeps ticking louder and louder. Time is running out. I have a plan, but need to get ahead quickly. The writing process is slowing down the fundraising process because without a locked script there is nothing to show anyone. I do plan on starting a Kickstarter page no later than Nov. 1. I will be able to put something together for the video pitch that is creative and reflects my mission. 11:11's concept is based on the interconnectivity of lives and how every individual's choice affects the other. The domino effect. The importance of timing determining the outcome of your life. I want to incorporate the concept of a large group of people collectively contributing to this film, so the idea is if everyone donates $11.11 that a little can add up to a lot. Everyone can be a part of this project. I'm actually excited about the marketing and publicity end of this film. Now if I could just get the writing done!

Lots of things are piling on this shrinking plate, but I know that I need to pull it together and knock this thing out. I don't care if I have to have Silent Auctions and Yard Sales. Well, of course I care, that wouldn't be ideal but I would resort to those measures if money does not fall from the sky. I hate to think of movies on these large budget scales when you can make a good film in a room with two people if the script and actors are good enough. Although mine is quite the ensemble piece with lots of locations, cars and rain. This adds a layer of complication to production, but right now I'm writing BIG. I can write what I want, how I want and scale back when the money doesn't allow us the privileges. Money has never stopped me before and it won't stop me this time. I am chasing the clock, but I'm pretty sure I will be ready when I catch up to it.


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