I can't believe it took me this long to post this on the blog! I've been so busy promoting the launch of my Kickstarter page on November 1, 2010 at 11:11a.m. It was emotional! After all this hard work, it's finally out there! I just hope that I meet my goal...really exceed it! $11,111 is a good foundation but not at all enough to fund this film. I know how to cut corners but there are no corners to cut on this one.

Kickstarter is a fundraising page for independent films seeking money for their projects. The only trick is, if you don't meet your goal by the deadline, you don't get any previous investments. And then you have to start from scratch. But this isn't going to happen. I finally hired an intern and she's already done an awesome job. It's so nice having some help! What a relief! Now I need to focus on promotion! promotion! promotion! That's what it's about. This is a universally interconnected film and should be funded as such. It would make me so proud if this projected was funded over the top so I can make the film the way I want.

Been so busy and keep forgetting to eat, so I'm going to cut to the chase... If you experience seeing 11:11 every time you look at the clock, love the bands Nada Surf, Death Cab for Cutie, Maria Taylor, Azure Ray, and The Replacements, then this is the project for you to invest in! This film will be more of an art piece as if a lot of the scenes are driven by the music.

Here is the link to Kickstarter. The cool thing is that the investment tiers have a range anywhere from $1-$4,444. All investors receive a special prize, so have a look to see what works best for you! If you invest on 11/11, you get a special surprise! Thank you in advance for helping make this wish come true!



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