so this is the new year...
He110 A11!
I cannot believe it's 2012 already and 12 days shy of Leap Year! In the fictional world of 11:11, Leap Year is the birthday of the character Savannah Collins (played by Kristi attached). The choice of a rare birthdate was partly inspired by the song "Leap Year" by Maria Taylor, coincidentally opening the album titled '11:11'. This past Thanksgiving, I was blessed with fortunate timing of being able to attend one of her shows on the way to my parent's house. For the first time in many I've seen her live, she played "Leap Year"... smiling at me as she strummed the first chord over her pregnant belly. If she has twins, that will be just too weird!
[You can listen to her music for free here: ]
Time has really flown by and I'd like to apologize for the delay in updating everyone about the progress of 11:11. Wrapping up has taken longer than expected and corporate tax filing is a beast, so I've been focusing on completing that to clear my mind of numbers before moving onto the creative. Editing is really where your film comes to life and I'm looking forward to seeing all the puzzle pieces together.
Much luck and love,
meg 1ansaw