Happy Belated LEAP YEAR!

He11o A11!
Happy belated Leap Year! I wanted so badly to post an update yesterday, but was very busy getting all the crowd funding rewards stuff put together for the cast signing 'party'. It was wonderful to see a lot of the cast together in one room... some had zero scenes together and had never met! The most rewarding part of this experience has been the privilege of not only working with such talented actors, but developing friendships and watching new connections being made. One of our actors directs a ton of local plays and has already cast two other 11:11 cast members he hadn't met until the shoot. It's a great feeling knowing that this project forged relationships that may have never existed!
I am a believer, however, that all things happen for a reason. Months ago when I was holding auditions, Kristi Ray read for a smaller role, but we cast another young woman more suited for the part. When I later found out the actress I hoped to play Savannah wasn't available, I thought I'd never find a suitable replacement. Our makeup artist mentioned Kristi Ray and coincidentally she was already on my list. When she came in, we spent 45 minutes just talking and everything Kristi said was so spot on that I knew she was the one before she even read any lines. Savannah is the character I call the sunshine of the film and wouldn't you know it... Kristi Ray's nickname is Ray of Sunshine:) As if it couldn't get more weird, she asked who was playing 'Mark', opposite 'Savannah'...when I said Jeramy Blackford, her eyes lit up. They had already been in a film together playing roles whose chemistry was undeniable! I know Kristi is not literally Savannah Collins, but I couldn't resist sending her Leap Year birthday flowers yesterday. Savannah would have been 12 (48) and I can't help but wonder what she'd be doing now. [Note: the story is set in 1993 and Savannah was born in 1964... the same year Kristi Ray's mom was born!]
Lastly, I want to mention one last "News of the Weird". One of my besties in Ohio is an 11:11'er and has been written into my script for years. Before the shoot, she found out she was pregnant with twins and due around Leap Year. This is very very strange considering there are twins and a leapling character in the film. T did not end up giving birth at 11:11 on Leap Year and is still awaiting the boys arrival, but the fact she's having twinkles is remarkable within itself. That's 11:11 for you!
Make a wish! xo, meg
ps. the picture of the cake is none other than the fictitious Savannah Collins' 12th birthday cake utilizing some of the many leftover birthday candles from our shoot!