
He110 A11, My apologies for the extended lapse of time since the last update; I've tried several times, but haven't been able to put the right words together or maybe I just wasn't ready to share them. There is no easy way to say it but bluntly, my mother died. My mom was unexpectedly hospitalized on Mother's Day and fought through two weeks of surgeries and procedures before passing away due to complications related to Peripheral Vascular Disease. A loss of this magnitude is something I've never experienced before, only written about. But no amount of research can prepare a person for the range of emotions that accompany the loss of a parent. The sense of detachment can be paralyzingly isolating, where it feels like no one understands what you are going through. Every situation is unique and I have to remind myself I'm not alone and I'm not the first person to lose a parent and think life is unbelievable unfair. As I was driving this morning and looked at the clock (not 11:11), things fell more into perspective. I was reminded of 11 years ago at that moment, thousands of innocent people were just going about their day and had their lives taken without warning in the most terrifying way. The thoughts that must have run through their heads... knowing they would never speak to their loved ones again is unbearable to contemplate. My thoughts of peace are with those who lost loved ones that blasphemous day. My mother's death was not instantaneous, but completely unexpected. The devastation of losing my mom when she was merely 66 years old is beyond unfortunate, but in many ways I feel fortunate for other things. A lot of women don't have great moms and they live to be 110, whereas I had the best mom but just didn't keep her as long. I'm most grateful for the opportunity to spend the final weeks by her side and was blessed with the privilege of holding her hand as she took her last breath. Needless to say, you can make all the plans in the world, but sometimes life has its own plan. My life has been on a detour for a while and I'm just now picking up my boot straps (non-leather, of course!). The movie has taken a back seat to my personal/private life, but I will soon resume the editing process which will provide a nice creative outlet that keeps me productively busy! I promise to update more frequently and keep you posted on ALL progress of the film. I greatly appreciate your patience and support. Xoxo, meg P.S. Call a loved one and say you love them just because you can! P.S.S. I would like to encourage all smokers to quit smoking now! I know it is extremely challenging (I am a quitter! Weened off with the E-Cigarette, which I no longer need!), but it's not a fraction of the challenge that suffering through the consequences is. Peripheral Vascular Disease is only one of countless diseases that result from cigarette smoking. Learn more facts & pass them on... http://lungcancer.about.com/od/Lung-Cancer-And-Smoking/a/Diseases-Caused-By-Smoking.htm


kissincousins said…
Not sure why this formatted so strangely. My apologies!

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