about to Kickstart 11:11

The past two months have been a whirlwind. I've been working endlessly on several pertinent changes to the my 11:11 screenplay. It's challenging to alter something that has essentially been the same for eight years. The more I work on it, the higher the page count is! I wish I was in a position to pull a PT Anderson, but I don't have that kind of budget...or any for that matter! So I've been taking a much needed writing break for about a week so I can move forward with my Kickstarter Fundraising Campaign. I'm almost finished with the page and am currently working on the video. I can truly sympathize with actors who have 3 minutes of straight dialog and have to get it right in one take. It's not easy! After dozens of takes, I'm thinking I want to go back and add a few things anyhow. Being a perfectionist right now is not doing wonders for my timeline! However, as long as the campaign is up and running by November 1st I will be a very happy camper! I plan to end my Kickstarter deadline on January 1, 2011 at 11:11pm. My goal is to reach $11,111, but will need 10x as much money to complete the film. But $11k would still be an amazing start to the project. I will put the pertinent information on this blog once the page is up and running.

The clock continues to tick faster and louder, but I'm trying to not let that break my spirit. Independent filmmaking is a harsh uphill battle, but no matter how many times I'm knocked down I will get back up and keep moving forward. I've wanted to make this film for so long and it would be an incredibly missed opportunity if it's not completed by it's intended date of November 11, 2011. Many people keep telling me that my project will be done when it's done and to not put so much pressure on myself, but after 8 years of planning this film I would be crushed if my goal all along wasn't met. This is where I will need your help. Financing is always the biggest hurdle in independent filmmaking and every penny counts. At the time of a recession I know it's difficult for those to invest in anything other than themselves, but it everyone pitched in even $11.11 we could accumulate some serious cash for this film! So if you are planning on buying me a Christmas present...the best gift in the world would be to check out my Kickstarter page when it's up and running on November 1, 2010-January 1, 2011. Until then, become a fan of Kissin' Cousins on Facebook! I will be posting updates there as we continue on this path!



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