The Lone Twin

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to give you a heads up where 11:11 stands at the moment. Latest revisions are practically complete and will be sent off to a select group of people to review and feedback regarding any alterations that need to be made. I'm very confident in the new adjustments and feel as if they truly support our mission. I've been doing a lot of research about twin loss, which is dealt with in the film, and recently purchased an out of print book called "The Lone Twin". Reading a lot of this after consulting with twins who have lost their other half, I'm baffled by how I knew so much before even reading. I swear I'm not a twin (I double checked:) but always wanted one and have been jealous of them my whole life. After hearing so many stories about twin separation takes the jealous away and makes me very sad to know so many are suffering in silence because no one understands but other twins who have shared the same experience. Although I am a singleton, I can sympathize with the situation and only hope to bring such an overlooked topic to the screen in the most realistic light possible. I'm honored and intimidated to take on this challenge, but am so blessed to be supported as a voice of this hidden community. Thank you to the PATH GROUP for all of your help!

IndieGoGo has 41 days to go and still has a ways to it's goal. If you have a moment to repost or forward the IndieGoGo link about "11:11" to anyone who may be interested, that is a huge help! Contributions are tax-deductible and rewards are given in exchange for a donation. For more information, please visit... Also check out the UPDATES section where you can read more about new information about the film! Thanks for your support and make a wish!!! xo, meg


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