11:11 backed by FOUR countries!!!

833 views on the 11:11 Facebook page! Now if only all those folks would click the "like" button! Don't be shy!

We just received our 34th backer on Kickstarter and are very close to hitting $3,000 before Thanksgiving! I hope the holidays don't slow us down! Since we are now an internationally funded film: US, Germany, Belgium and Scotland...it's time to start looking into other countries and make this a global affair!

Thank you to all who have invested and helped spread the word. I have been told by a few friends that they are receiving my link numerous times, so apparently the 'pass this link on to 11 people" is working a little TOO well! It's time to start seeking out complete strangers!!! Sorry if you are one of the many who have been bombarded with links on Facebook, but at least you won't forget!


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